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[Tun信息] 【08.09.03】TUN与母亲一同将大象放回丛林活动!(待下载视频)

发表于 2008-9-3 12:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
来自官网aeah的消息:http://www.navigatortiktun.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=513- B! ^3 y0 P; e& `1 Z# w& E

0 d8 ~  J" I/ r" a以下大概内容是:6 `2 }- M: T+ @
TUN与母亲一同将大象放回丛林:: h: N" {! O/ V0 M- f
这个是昨天的第5频道播放的电视节目,可以点击 http://www.me.in.th/Live/ 这里观看,选择5频道后,再选择下面的第2个数字(也就是昨天的日期9月2日),然后往前移至18:57分就可以观看了!
7 T8 P, h- L: ^' \! V5 wTUN与母亲一起将穿着标有大象的T恤在Lampang省府放生大象!
8 n8 ]  D. G  A9 C' d8 `; T" X6 h9 A. p0 u; Q4 {
& ~9 h9 g) t" N" V2 a) T) f2 `% J, |; b1 u* y
Tun and Mom freed elephant back to the jungle:
& Y/ H7 A& ~1 ~9 M' M
" a( h) G. ^3 j7 E: Dthis is from showtime by Sasithorn show on ch 5 yesterday9 Y; L$ b4 ?- f& f0 D1 |

  C) M# Q( b& X1 U2 t  z, @2 ]To watch: go the link http://www.me.in.th/Live/ 0 s1 f6 O/ W, y* T
9 w8 g# \: k0 J9 a4 A2 `- R  w, I
Choose channel 5 icon (second from left),
6 @7 C) X$ X* b: q' C) s* ~7 w
0 S3 r) B5 {$ N0 [, ethen choose number 2 (date for playback) and 0 D: c6 ]$ H! z! b

1 x/ B9 |) v/ W3 n. _; p' Y+ jwhen there is a signal, scroll the time bar to approx. 18:57 hrs.
  p8 Q9 q9 W9 q( D# S0 s
  j/ t3 e/ D# N6 Y# }+ L2 NTun and mom represented Arrow Shirt for their Free Elephant Project in Lampang province
# ]# E! a5 u7 z5 P$ F' Z$ [+ Z  o4 U! U: Z- v
after you've watched and want to leave the website, there'll be a popup icon thank you for visiting the site bla bla, just click
' J3 O1 [/ Z! r3 `, D# ^2 H6 D$ Y; j. l* e$ L1 n% @
看来大家都不能下载此视频,经我们多方请求aeah为我们讲述了当天的视频介绍:) M8 r0 J. k, Q- Z
' W' t( y/ ^( ^4 g. L) Q! K
It is an Arrow’s Help Sending Elephant Back Home Project aims at helping total 8 elephants via selling a special collection T-shirt ‘Chang’
% J" j9 X1 M' B* F1 ^
3 D: E# Z0 e  r9 j, \This August, the project had organized an event to free another two elephants. This is the 3rd & 4th elephants that have been freed so far, and they have 4 more to go( X& @0 [8 F3 X! \. U' O. b

5 L4 e0 J% [6 u# |+ I) tAugust is the month to celebrate Mother’s Day as well, so they invited Tun and his mom as presenters to free Pang KonTong, 32 years and Seedor Sombat, 10 years, a mom and her little boy (I guess from its name) back to the Doi Pha Muang Wild Life Sanctuary, Lampang province (up north)+ @4 [4 F% T3 l( s# M1 S! o
% |9 e  I9 u  L. P. Q
2 a/ J& M  s' U' o3 ?) k0 t
, i0 t4 W% ?8 F' B3 Q
[ 本帖最后由 susu_hela 于 2008-9-4 10:24 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-9-3 12:32 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-9-3 12:36 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-9-3 12:56 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-9-3 12:58 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-3 13:01 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 99092786 于 2008-9-3 12:56 发表
4 N7 m; ?0 K' A- W+ H5 A把大家放回丛林和把大象放回丛林差得太远了,不是一点点噢.
1 K: ?; N3 @) d
+ w4 H( R/ X/ m8 L$ L
发表于 2008-9-3 13:05 | 显示全部楼层
发个连接吧  我的网速太慢
发表于 2008-9-3 14:14 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-5-20 00:28 | 显示全部楼层
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